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Posts tagged ‘happiness’

How can coaching help?


Clients can come to coaching for many reasons and benefit from the personalised nature that a coaching session can bring. Clients find the main benefits of working with a coach are:

  • Greater clarity over personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Improved confidence
  • Having a safe confidential place to talk through concerns objectively and bounce ideas
  • Accountability and follow up to do the things they said they would
  • Non judgemental support
  • Achieving personal goals

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What’s the most important minute in your life?

The very early signs of Spring are in the air and in this issue of Spring Reflections I wanted to use the garden as a metaphor to explore the wellbeing of you, your staff and your organisation.
So how does your garden grow? 
Gardens are complex ecosystems that need tending and care to keep them looking at their best. There are many shapes, sizes and styles of gardens and each need tailored care to their own specific needs. Keeping the garden healthy, flourishing and in tune with the wider environment needs constant attention.On a personal level we can relate this garden analogy to our minds. How much attention are you paying to how healthy your mind is? Do you do a few overhauls a year or some steady tending week by week? Dr Rick Hanson uses the garden analogy as a useful metaphor to explore how we might build healthy minds to support us in our life today:

What would you like to let be?
What needs weeding? (let go)
What extra nourishment and sowing do we need to provide? (let in)
How we perform our day to day work and how we experience our life is very much driven by how healthy our minds are- are the weeds out of control or are we feeling truly nourished and happy?This analogy obviously also works with organisations too, how is your ecosystem thriving? What might you need to GROW?

Backed up by the latest research on neuroplasticity, taking in the good, mind training, kindness and compassion I can work with individuals, teams and organisations to help to add a bit of fertiliser and/or help you tend a few weeds. So if you fancy a different take on your standard staff training programs, coaching, or team development then do give me a call. I can offer off the shelf and tailored interventions focused around

Staff wellbeing, strengths and happiness
Leadership and management development
Team Development
Coaching and Supervisory skills
Mind training for attention, creativity and self care for adults and children
Compassion and kindness interventions
Creative arts

So if you are an individual, blue chip organisation, small business, charity, school or government organisation I may have something to help. All prices are tailored to sector and ability to pay. Curious?


Got some questions?  Then please do get in touch to explore on 07801 246113 or via email

Know someone that this may interest?… Then please do forward this mail with the links below…

It would be lovely to reconnect with those that I haven’t spoken to for a while even if you don’t have an immediate need!

Mindtrip Monthly Reflections Newsletter


mindtrip reflections of ideas, thoughts, hints and tips and book recommendations focused around building a flourishing work environment.

Employee engagement versus employee wellbeing

May 11th, 2012

Heather Johnston

Central to my positive psychology approach to Organisational Development and Coaching, is looking at whether an individual is flourishing in their work and their wider life. By focusing on helping an individual explore their strengths and helping align these with their work there can be a win/win in terms of an individual’s happiness and wellbeing as well as an increase in individual and organisational productivity.

An interesting article, written by Dr Bridget Juniper and promoted by Action for Happiness, about the downfalls of traditional productivity orientated employee engagement measurement, argues the case for employee wellbeing becoming more central in workplace productivity measures and quotes

…the top 10 drivers of employee engagement, identified by Towers Watson – ISR, show that, of 75 possible areas, the one that was rated the most important was the extent to which employees believed that their senior management had a sincere interest in their wellbeing.

The research goes on to ask employees whether or not they think their senior management actually exhibit this behaviour, with only 39% believing this to be the case. By contrast, the second driver relates to employee development, which is more often associated with conventional engagement measures.

In these times of uncertainty and strain, even more consideration needs to be given to employee wellbeing both for the benefit of the individual but also for organisations and society as a whole. By creating leadership strategies and working practices that help to enhance wellbeing, we will be helping all of us to remain resourceful, happy, healthy and productive.



What drives you…is it from within or without…?

April 15th, 2012

Heather Johnston

Great article about intrinsic and  extrinsic goals and their link to a person’s overall happiness. We all need money but it is not that that fundamentally makes us happy- check out the article to find out more about what is driving you and whether that is good for you! money and happiness