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It’s not what you do it is how you do it or the 9 attitudes of mindfulness


Have a listen to what Jon Kabat-Zinn has to say about practicing mindfulness in sitting practice or in everyday life. There is a first introductory video and then Jon goes on to talk about the following attitudes which he discussed in his book Full Catastrophe Living:

Non Judging   Patience  Beginners’s mind  Trust  Non Striving  Acceptance  Letting Go  Gratitude and Generosity


…and this compilation seems to have missed acceptance!


Introducing Heartfulness- Balanced Mind: Kind Mind Course


As many of you are aware, over the last year I have been doing some additional mindfulness training focused on friendship (or loving kindness) and compassion practices. I am now one of the first 20 or so people trained in this new course in the UK while it has been running for a longer time in Europe! I have personally gained so much from these practices- a greater feeling of happiness, a way of self soothing when things get tough and for those of us in the caring and helping professions a way of dealing with the possibilities of burnout from empathy fatigue. Read more